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Migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2 project time estimate

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Migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2 project time estimate | BrandCrock

Magento 1 to 2 migration is kind of building a project from scratch. The Magento 1 to Magento 2 migration is always a project of 4-6 months based on the features, modules and design. This estimation is based on a team of 5-6 memebers. it includes;

  • Project Manager,
  • System Administrator,
  • UI / UX developer,
  • Front End Developer,
  • Graphics Designer,
  • Tester and QA specialist,
  •  and at least two experienced magento Backend Developers (with experience of both Magento 1 and Magento 2)

We have break this down for better understanding in Milestones. The scope of the project with Milestones.

Step 1:Requirement analysis /creation of the offer / Team Meetings16 hours
Step 2:Magento installation  1 hours
Database configuration  0.5 hours
Php extension installation 0.5 Hours
Server Management Tasks  12 Hours (Taking Backups, Domain Names and DNS, Installation of SSL certificates, Going Live. etc ) By: Backend Developers and System Administrator
14 -16 hours
Step 3:3 X Data Migration and Verification (2 times during development, 1 time before go live with the most recent data) Transfer of  all the products, categories, customers, orders, CMS pages and blog content, testimonials, ratings and reviews, and so on.By: Backend Developer QA and Tester45 Hours
Step 4:Theme and Template Design: If you don’t want to change the design, layout theme and Template from Magento 1 to Magento 2
  • Frontend Design
  • Backend Design
  • Customer Login area
  • Cross Brower Testing (Safari (iOS based), Chrome, Firefox, Ms Edge)

Responsive Mobile and Tablet Ready All other pages By: (Backend Developers, Graphics Designers, UX / UI developer and Frontend developers, QA and Tester)

200 Hours
Step 5:Magento Code Migration  (Migrate core processes)Analysis of the complete Code = 24 hours
Implementation and making the core of Magento updateable all the time for that we have to make new extensions.  = 150 hours By: Backend Developers QA and Tester
174 Hours
Step 6:Magento 2 Extension Migration:6.1
Finding of all Plugins and Modules 1 Hour per Module
6.2  Modules which are on Store: 3 hours per module (for installation and configuration of modules these are available on store)
6.2.1 Cost of buying new Magento 2 extensions
6.2.2 Customizing the new Magento 2 extensions
6.2.3 Fixing of the conflicts
6.2.4 Testing Hours (6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.3, 6.2.4) in case of conflict for plugins on store
6.3 Modules which needs to get updated for Magento 2
6.3.1 Implementation of Modules (Module Compatibility)
6.3.2 Fixing the conflicts after customization for whole system with the new extensions
6.3.3 Configuration of all modules
6.3.4 Testing By: Backend Developers QA and Tester
300-500 hours
QATesting and QATesting of the whole Systems, in addition to the each milestone. By: Backend Developers QA and Tester200 Hours
Over Head:Buffer and Risk Factor = 100 hours Status / feedback / Team Meetings  and Project Management 15% of total hours = 154 hours By: Project Manager234 Hours
                                                   Total Hours 1500-1700 Hours

Magento Migration from Magento 1 to Magento 2 is complicated process, If you dont have good development knowledge of Magento System the migration can leads to unfortunate consequences. For smooth and trouble-free Magento migration you can choose BrandCrock which is Magento certified Development Agency. BrandCrock is providing solution as a certified Magento development agency based in Munich, Germany, with two back offices for software production in Karachi and Chennai.

We have certified Magento developers assisting in making new online Magento store as well as optimizing your current Magento merchandize. With our unique Magento offshore development models we will enable you to save a lot of initial cost of development, not compromising on quality, smartness or effectiveness.

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