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Magento Product Price Drop Alert Plugin

Blog Post - BrandCrock
Product Price Drop Alert Plugin Magento | BrandCrock

Magento Price Drop Alert extension allows you to notify customers whenever a price drop is in their favorite product. Customers can choose their products in the shop front-end and set the alert by providing their email addresses. Customers receive alert emails when the price of the subscribed product gets cheaper. The alert option appears on the product detail page for each product. In the shop backend, you can view the list of subscribed products, edit or customize email alert templates and configure alerts for each product.

How Does the Extension Work?

After installation, enable the extension under Store Configuration BrandCrock Price Drop Alert in the shop backend. Provide the text for the alert activating button, the color for the button background and the text colour. You can choose the customer groups who can view and use this option on the online shop. Next, choose the email alert template to notify when the price drops to a lower value. Finally, save the configurations.

Enabling the extension overall will display the price drop alert option for all products. To disable the alert for any product, go to CATALOG >Products in the shop backend, and click the edit option of that product. Disable the price drop alert switch and click Save. To customize the default template, go to MARKETING > Email Templates, where you can load the existing alert template and change the template content. You can view the list of subscribed and unsubscribed products under the STORES Price Drop Alert page.


  • Increase sales by selling the customer’s favorite product at a low cost
  • Guaranteed checkouts while recommending wish-listed products.
  • Customers can set alerts for any number of products.
  • Customers can unsubscribe from an alert if they wish to.
  • Customize email alerts to match your business.
  • Shows that your online business is flexible and customer oriented.
  • Increases loyalty as they will be prompted to subscribe for more products.

Link to download

Please let us know about your reviews and feedback, if you require further assistance regarding this plugin or other Magento-related issues, just drop us an email or contact us.

Please find more details about BrandCrock Magento Plugin development in the Magento  Development section

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