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Magento Product Stock Info Plugin

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Product Stock Info Plugin Magento | BrandCrock

Product Stock Info

Product Stock Info extension for Magento 2 allows you to display the stock availability of products in the shop. Product stock information is shown until it reaches a minimum value, after which the customer will be notified of the low stock information. The product information is displayed on each product detail page. When customers view the information, they are urged to place orders for products that run low stock.

The extension once configured is enabled for products that are under simple product categories in the shop admin panel. Magento Product Stock Info plugin details are extracted as such from the shop inventory updated in the shop admin panel. The label color can be customized to display the stock information based on the availability of the product. The color of the label varies for in-stock and low-stock text.

How does the Extension Work?

Shop Admin needs to log in to the shop admin panel using their login credentials. To configure the extension, the shop admin must proceed to the configuration page under the Stores menu. The Magento Product Stock Info plugin must be clicked under BrandCrock menu. Under General Configuration, you can enable the module, enter the text to be displayed before and after the product quantity, and provide the text that appears before and after the low stock product quantity. On the same page, provide the label width, the font color, the label background color for in-stock products, and the label background color for low-stock products. Finally, save the configurations to update the extension settings.

Next, go to Products under Catalog to change the product settings. Select a simple product for which the stock information has been displayed. Scroll down to Display Stock Information setting and choose Yes to display the information. Clicking Save will save and update the changes made. In the shop front end, go to the product detail page of that product to view the current stock information of the product.


  • Showing the product stock information will offer transparency to customers.
  • Customers will get to know the in-stock and low stock products providing a better shopping experience.
  • Showing low stock product values will urge customers to buy the products before it runs out of stock
  • Improves customer credibility towards the online shop.
  • Enhances shopping efficiency of customers when they can decide what to order first.
  • Balances supply and demand chain

Link to download

Please let us know about your reviews and feedback, if you require further assistance regarding this plugin or other Magento-related issues, just drop us an email or contact us.

Please find more details about BrandCrock Magento Plugin development in the Magento  Development section

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