BrandCrock | Gateway to Digital Brand

Magento Top Tier Customer Plugin

Blog Post - BrandCrock
Top Tier Customer Plugin Magento | BrandCrock

TopTiered Customers extension for BrandCrock allows you to categorize end-customers who have ordered more than the amount defined in the shop admin panel. Those end-customers who have exceeded the specified order amount will be extracted under the top-tier customer category and coupons can be created to personalize their shop experience. The order limit is configured in the shop admin panel and compared with the order amount of the end customer. Top-tiered customers are listed in the shop admin panel for whom the coupon is created. The coupon created in the top-tier section applies only to the customers listed under the Top-tiered customer category.

How does the Extension Work?

Shop Admin needs to login to the shop admin panel using their login credentials. To configure the extension, the shop admin must proceed to the configuration page under the Stores menu. Then Top tier customer must be clicked under BrandCrock menu. Under General Configuration, you can enable the module, enter the order amount limit in Euros, choose the status of order for which the conditions of the top tier customer must apply and then, save the settings.

The order amount limit is specified such that end-customers placing orders on or above this amount will be categorized as top-tiered. The top-tiered customers had to be synchronized in the shop admin panel to add them in the shop system from the database. In the shop admin panel, proceed to Customers, and then to Top-tiered Customers. Click Sync Customers to get them listed in that page from the database. Click Create Special Coupon to customize discount or offer coupons for top-tiered customers. In the Cart Price Rules page, under the Marketing menu, you will be able to the see the overview of all coupons created in the backend.


  • Categorize or shortlist customers as top-tiered based on their shopping order amount.
  • Create offers or discount coupons for the top-tiered customers
  • Shop admin can mail those offers as coupons or display them in the checkout page.
  • Any amount can be set for minimum order amount to qualify as top-tiered customers
  • Special coupons once edited will be available for all customers irrespective of their category.
  • Top-tier customers can be manually added under the Top-tier customer section.
  • Customers can be added or removed from  the category when needed


Frontend | Backend (User Name: toptier_customer / Password: toptier@123)

Link to download

Please let us know about your reviews and feedback, if you require further assistance regarding this plugin or other Magento-related issues, just drop us an email or contact us.

Please find more details about BrandCrock Magento Plugin development in the Magento  Development section

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