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Magento Whatsapp Notification Plugin

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Whatsapp Notification Plugin Magento | BrandCrock

The Whatsapp Notification extension allows you to notify end-users through WhatsApp messages. The order status notifications are sent as messages to the end user’s registered WhatsApp number. Order confirmation messages are sent as a PDF file displaying the order details. For every transaction status update, a PDF is generated and shared with the end user those PDF files. This is an automated messaging service that needs no manual operations. Before automating the messaging service, the WhatsApp message templates must be configured through Facebook Meta for developers. In your Facebook meta developer account, get your Access Token under your App user ID. Create a template in the Facebook meta developer platform, for each message sent through WhatsApp.

Link to download:  

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Please find more details about BrandCrock Magento Plugin development in the Magento Development section

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