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Shopware 6 Plugin Product Availability for Zip code

Blog Post - BrandCrock
Product Availability for Zip code Shopware 6 Plugin | BrandCrock

Product Availability for Zip code Plugin is built to help end-users check if a product is available to be shipped and view the delivery date. Once the plugin is installed in the shop backend, the number of days taken to deliver all the merchant’s products can be set for one zip code or a set of zip codes. When the end-user enters a zip code in the validator field. Delivery days for each of the chosen products can also be set on each product configuration page. Using this plugin, merchants can enable the option for the end-users to view their recently viewed products on the product detail page.


  • Set any number of zip codes to show delivery availability for the product
  • Set delivery days for the product to calculate the delivery date
  • Enable or disable the option for the end-user to view recently viewed products

Link to download

Please let us know about your reviews and feedback, if you require further assistance regarding this plugin or other Shopware related issues, just drop us an email or contact us.

Please find more details about BrandCrock Shopware Plugin development on the Shopware Development section

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