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Shopware 6 Plugin Advanced Mega Menu

Blog Post - BrandCrock
Advanced Mega Menu Shopware 6 Plugin | BrandCrock

Shopware 6 plugin Advanced Mega Menu will help you to simplify the navigation and usability of your website.Customers can easily find out the desired product  with an overview of the categories.This plugin allows you to add tabs to the menu bar with content selected by the store owner.The tab is always located on the right side of the menu bar and can contain up to 4 columns.The plugin allows you to divide the area between columns according to fixed proportions for each of them.The interactive look is that when visitors hover the menu navigation the category and subcategory images change accordingly.


  • In shop front end, the Vertical Hover effects will be reflected for all the sub menus.
  • In shop front end, the Shine Effect will be reflected for all the sub menus.
  • In shop front end, the Background color Effects will be reflected for all the sub menus.

Link to download

Please let us know about you reviews and feedback, if you require further assistance regarding this plugin or other Shopware related issues, just drop us an email or contact us.

Please find more details about BrandCrock Shopware Plugin development on Shopware Plugin Development section.

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