BrandCrock | Gateway to Digital Brand

Shopware 6 Sports Zone Theme

Sports Zone Theme Shopware 6 | BrandCrock

Shopware 6 Sports zone theme is characterized by standard and user-friendly. It can be completely customized without any programming knowledge, which gives everyone the opportunity to make their shop unique and customizable. The creation of an individual template is now even easier.  Sports Zone – Responsive theme have the following configurations options:


  • Logos & Icons
  • Footer
  • Footer Social Media Link
  • Social Media Share Link (Product Detail)
  • Promotion Toggler
  • General Settings
  • Background Loader Image

Images for the following options can be uploaded

  • Background Loader Image
  • Ad Reveal Background Image

Logos & Icons

  • Desktop
  • Tablet
  • Mobile
  • App & share icon
  • Favicon

Link to download

Please let us know about your reviews and feedback, if you require further assistance regarding this plugin or other Shopware-related issues, just drop us an email or contact us.

Please find more details about BrandCrock Shopware Plugin development in the Shopware Plugin Development section

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