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Shopware 6 Tech Electo Theme

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Tech Electo Theme Shopware 6 | BrandCrock

The Shopware 6 Tech Electo theme offers you the ability to integrate a new theme into your webshop. This theme boasts high responsiveness and a wide array of customizable features, all while optimizing loading speeds. With this theme, you can personalize the homepage, header, top bar, product listing, product filters, product detail page, status messages, text fonts, text colors, footer, and social media icons throughout your storefront. Shopware 6 Tech Electo theme is a revenue-generating, highly customizable, SEO and Pagespeed-optimized Shopware theme that also offers you an extensive feature set. Tech Electo streamlines your process with its preconfigured nature, providing clear instructions, templates, and a ready-to-use shopping experience. Should you encounter any issues, our open support ticket system is here to provide you with lightning-fast assistance. Shopware 6  Tech Electo Theme offers a highly flexible and modern appearance. It is compatible with almost all plugins, making it an excellent choice for e-commerce websites. Its responsive design ensures your website adapts to different screen sizes, providing a seamless browsing experience for users on various devices.

Over €650 worth of Plugins & Apps functionality is included in the theme

USP Slider Element Category Grid Element Product Promotion Element Product Countdown Element SEO Discount Banner Element Banner Grid Element Manufacturer slider Element Category Teaser Element Instagram Element Switch listing view Article short description in the category listing Article short description in detail page Sticky sidebar on the listing page Color variants on the detail page Social media icons on the detail page Sticky Header Sticky Sidebar Sticky Add to cart Sticky checkout and cart for product information section Newsletter subscription in the footer

Experience World

USP Slider Element → The USP element allows you to upload an icon, add text, and include a link.

Category Grid Element → This element offers the option to upload a banner and customize the title and URL.

Product Promotion Element → This element provides the capability to include promotional products, upload banners, modify titles, and add advertising captions.

Product Countdown Element The countdown element provides the opportunity to set the countdown start date, and end date, and select the product and description from the backend

SEO Discount Banner Element This element expands the possibilities of the standard slider with an image-text slider and discount options.

Banner Grid Element This element provides the opportunity to upload banner images, including discount prices, titles, discount text, and URLs.

Manufacturer Slider Element → This element allows you to select the brand slider and add a title.

Category Teaser Element → This element provides the opportunity to upload banner images, titles, and URLs.

Instagram Element → This element offers the ability to input your Instagram token ID and adjust color configurations.

Experience Worlds layouts → More complex design through additional layout blocks in the worlds of experience.

Experience World → Colors, spacing, font, hover effects for images, extended configuration for the shopware “”Banner-Slider.””


Full-width Container → You can set the full-width container and maximum width container

Footer column width → You can set the full-width container and maximum width container

Footer Columns → Set the footer columns to three columns or four columns.

Service Navigation → Show the service navigation in the bottom footer.

Logo in the footer → Additional logo in the footer

Footer Column → Expandable on mobile

Social Media Integration → Set the links to your social media channels

Copy right footer → Set the copyright footer

Trusted Badges → Set the certificate icon on footer

Payment and Shipping Method Enable or disable and set the color configuration

Newsletter registration in footer → Display the newsletter registration in the footer.You can set the full-width container and maximum width container

Optimized product images → Configure the product boxes to match the aspect ratio of your product images

Forms Color → Set the forms color as desired.

Product Reviews → You can set the color for reviews

Language selection → language selection display

Intagram element → Set the token ID and color configuration

Scroll top button → Set the color configuration as per your desire


Footer column width → You can set the full-width container and maximum width container

Footer Columns → Set the footer columns to three columns or four columns.

Service Navigation → Show the service navigation in the bottom footer.

Logo in the footer → Additional logo in the footer

Footer Column → Expandable on mobile

Social Media Integration → Set the links to your social media channels

Copy right footer → Set the copyright footer

Trusted Badges → Set the certificate icon on footer

Payment and Shipping Method → Enable or disable and set the color configuration

Newsletter registration in footer → Display the newsletter registration in the footer.

Category Listing Page

Hover Effect view → When you hover over a product, the quick view and wishlist icons will be displayed on the listing page

Additional listing functions → In addition to the wishlist icon

Filters → Filters in the sidebar expendable

Sidebar → Add additional text and promotion banners

Listing layout → Listing styling, spacings, hover effects, color configuration and much more. Product Boxes Per Row: You can adjust the listing view per row.

Toggle filter options → Filter options with expandable

Breadcrumbs → color, font

Product Detail Page

Product Features and Benefits→ Show product benefits per product on the detail page.

Sticky Add to Cart Box → The Add to Cart box remains fixed next to the cart, always visible to your customers.

Additional Product Details → Product number, inventory, sales, EAN, manufacturer, manufacturer number, manufacturer URL, length, width, height, weight

Short description → Optional short description of the product

Social Media Integration → Set the links to your social media channels


Revised Checkout Process → Optimised checkout with simplified login for existing customers.

Checkout Steps → 3 Step Checkout for easier orientation in the checkout process.

Sticky Product Price → Make product information sticky on the cart page and checkout page, and also change the color configuration

Quick Support

We are here to assist you promptly and free of cost. Our theme documentation provides comprehensive help and instructions for our themes. If you wish to try out Electo Theme, we will guide you right from the beginning with clear, step-by-step instructions. In case you require our support, you can open a ticket directly here to receive prompt assistance from our team of theme experts.

Link to download

Please let us know about your reviews and feedback, if you require further assistance regarding this plugin or other Shopware related issues, just drop us an email or contact us.

Please find more details about BrandCrock Shopware Plugin development on the Shopware Plugin Development section

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