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Shopware Plugin Generate Google Sitemap

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Generate Google Sitemap Shopware Plugin | BrandCrock

Generate Google Sitemap Plugin helps to optimize the XML Sitemap to improve SEO for your website. This plugin gives you the freedom to set the priority for individual pages such as category, article, shop, blog pages of your website. When it comes to ranking, high-quality pages play a crucial role in improving the ranking of your website.

If your sitemap redirects bots to hundreds of pages with low quality, search engines can interpret these pages as a sign that your website is probably the one that no visitor wants to visit. With the Sitemap Priority Plugin, you can perform the following steps the bots to the most important pages of your site and optimize your XML sitemap.


Optimize XML Sitemap

Improvement of website rankings

Increase website traffic

Link to download

Please let us know about you reviews and feedback, if you require further assistance regarding this plugin or other Shopware related issues, just drop us an email or contact us.

Please find more details about BrandCrock Shopware Plugin development on Shopware Plugin Development section.

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