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Shopware Changelog – Minor Release 03.11.2021

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Shopware changelog update package is cumulative and includes various bug fixes and new features on this platform. It requires Shopware or a newer version of Shopware.

Shopware is the highly customizable, future-oriented open E-Commerce platform that turns ambitious business ideas into inspiring success stories. Shopware used to upgrade their platform based on feedback, fixing known security issues often.

Please read the release notes in detail below:

  • NEXT-13795 – Implementation of a rate limit for all login routes, password recovery routes, as well as the contact form route. (Rate Limiting against Login Bruteforce)
  • NEXT-14796 – Corrects an issue with the wrong colored delete button invariant generator
  • NEXT-16456 – – Blocks, which should be unique within a PDP, aren’t duplicable anymore – Deleted, “unique” blocks will be reloaded after declining the deletion prompt
  • NEXT-16457 – Fixed moving of sections in CMS navigator
  • NEXT-16596 – Solves an issue when loading order state transitions
  • NEXT-16862 – Links now can line break in CMS, if they’re too long (Admin + Storefront)
  • NEXT-16932 – Fixed an issue when sorting variants by name
  • NEXT-17030 – Allows the use of wildcard characters in rule builder postal code conditions
  • NEXT-17308 – Adjusted extension store snippets
  • NEXT-17335 – Added filter in dynamic product groups for products with or without a cover image
  • NEXT-17417 – Removed version check when reading plugin composer.json to avoid warnings. (edip123)
  • NEXT-17448 – Fixed media sorting in product detail page cms element
  • NEXT-17588 – Type hints to SynServiceInterface in ImportExport subscribers
  • NEXT-17607 – Fixed a bug where orders which were updated or created older than 30 days will not be shown. (amtee)
  • NEXT-17614 – Applied style fix for cache module

NEXT-13795 – Rate Limiting against Login Bruteforce

The Token Bucket Rate Limiter algorithm was implemented. Bucket Size: 20 Interval: 15 minutes. If a storefront account is locked, this is displayed to the user in the administration. The store owner can manually remove the block. The full 20 attempts are then available to the user again. The same applies to users in the administration. If the administrator locks himself out and there is no other account with rights for the user administration, the administrator must also wait 15 minutes until he can try again.

The configuration of the rate limit values should be configurable by the store admin in the config files.

Issue type: Story. Reported on 16.02.2021 by Marcel Schmäing

NEXT-14796 | [UI] Deletion button styled like save button

The “Delete all product variants” button will be shown in red color instead of looking like the default save button.

Issue type: BUG. Reported on 14.04.2021 by Patrick Meinhardt. It’s resolved now.

NEXT-16456 | After Duplicating of Section not deleting and relocating blocks in PDP Layout

When we trigger duplicate a section process in the PDF layout, some warning displayed for cross-selling, gallery buy box, product description and reviews block. But, the process was executed in background.

Issue type: BUG. Reported on 29.07.2021 by Orkun Cavli. It’s resolved now.

NEXT-16457 | CMS navigator sections move up/down not working

CMS section cannot be moved UP and DOWN. It’s always refreshing but the output is the same as before the stage.

Issue type: BUG. Reported on 29.07.2021 by Yusuf Tür. It’s resolved now.

NEXT-16596 | Don’t limit the number of loaded state transitions

The states loaded via the getAllStates() method only the first 25 state transitions are loaded from the database. This causes problems because it can lead to situations that not ALL available transitions are displayed to the user.

Issue type: BUG. Reported on 09.08.2021 by Alexander Bachmann. It’s resolved now.

NEXT-16862 | Links go beyond the limit of the text box

When using links in a text box of a shopping experience, the link can go beyond the limit of the text box.

Issue type: BUG. Reported on 25.08.2021 by TI. It’s resolved now.

NEXT-16932 | Listing with name invariants not working

After creating variants for a product, it is not possible to order them with their names.

Issue type: BUG. Reported on 30.08.2021 by Yusuf Tür. It’s resolved now.

NEXT-17030 | Internationalization of Postcodes in Rule Builder Fields

Define Postcode related Rules for every country, to control the availability of e.g. shipping types fine-grained based on the customer’s postcode.

Issue type: Improvement. Reported on 03.09.2021 by Matthias Friedmann. It’s resolved now.

NEXT-17308 | Adjust extension store snippets according to design requirements

Adjusted extension store snippets.

Issue type: Improvement. Reported on 15.09.2021 by Marcel Brode. It’s resolved now.

NEXT-17335 | Filter only articles with images in dynamic product groups

In Shopware 6 we cannot find a filer in the dynamic product groups for articles and images.

Issue type: Improvement. Reported on 17.09.2021 by Hana. It’s resolved now.

NEXT-17417 | [github] Removed version check when reading plugin composer.json to avoid warn?

Issue type: Bug. Reported on 21.09.2021 by Dominik Makeprange. It’s resolved now.

NEXT-17448 | Sorting of Images appears different in PDP Layout

When we assign Product Detail Page Layout for a product, sorting of images and cover images don’t appear as set in admin. Additionally, the sorting issue exists in variants images.

Issue type: Bug. Reported on 22.09.2021 by Orkun Cavli. It’s resolved now.

NEXT-17588 | Type hint SyncServiceInterface in subscribers of ImportExport

Issues from the following files are fixed now.

  • ShopwareCoreContentImportExportEventSubscriberProductCategoryPathsSubscriber
  • ShopwareCoreContentImportExportEventSubscriberProductVariantsSubscriber should type hint SyncServiceInterface not SyncService

Issue type: Bug. Reported on 28.09.2021 by David Neustadt. It’s resolved now.

NEXT-17607 | [github] Bugfix: do not remove oldOrders, if no deeplink filter set

Issue type: Bug. Reported on 28.09.2021 by Dominik Makeprange. It’s resolved now.

NEXT-17614 | Apply Cache Modul StyleFix

The Cache modules dropdown has no margin and it’s fixed now.

Issue type: Improvement. Reported on 29.09.2021 by Marcel Brode. It’s resolved now.

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