BrandCrock | Gateway to Digital Brand

Project Name: Mercedes Pay


Project: Mercedes Pay

Platform: Shopware 5

Industry: Automotive

Problem Statement

Mercedes-Benz aimed to boost customer engagement on its e-commerce platform by introducing digital vouchers. However, the existing system lacked the critical functionalities required to efficiently manage, distribute, and redeem these vouchers. This limitation hindered the company's ability to implement effective customer incentives and promotional activities, leading to missed opportunities for increasing sales and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Services Provided

  • Right Icon BrandCrockAdvice Consulting
  • Right Icon BrandCrockCustom Plugin development
  • Right Icon BrandCrockCreation and customization of vouchers
  • Right Icon BrandCrockVoucher distribution channel
  • Right Icon BrandCrockTracking and analytics

Project Highlights and Achievements

  • Right Icon BrandCrockExpanded organic reach and user activity
  • Right Icon BrandCrockBoosted digital sales and conversions
  • Right Icon BrandCrockData-driven decisions

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