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Magento to Shopware 6 Migration

Why migrate from Magento 2. x to Shopware 6

Magento 2 is a powerful and widely-used e-commerce platform, there are many reasons why businesses may choose to migrate to Shopware 6, depending on their specific needs and goals.
There are several reasons why a business may consider migration from Magento to Shopware 6. Here are a few:

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User Experience: Shopware 6 is designed to provide a seamless user experience, with a modern and intuitive user interface that is easy to navigate. This can help to improve the overall shopping experience for customers and make it easier for businesses to manage their online stores.

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Performance: Shopware 6 is built on modern technologies that offer improved performance and scalability, which can help to reduce page load times and improve the overall performance of the online store.

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Flexibility: Shopware 6 offers a high degree of flexibility, with a modular architecture that allows businesses to easily customize and extend their online stores to meet their specific needs. This can help to reduce development costs and improve time-to-market.

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Cost-effectiveness: Shopware 6 offers a range of features and functionality that can help businesses to save money on development and maintenance costs, including a built-in content management system, a range of marketing and sales tools, and an integrated payment system.

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Support: Shopware 6 offers a range of support options, including a large and active community of developers and users, as well as professional support from the Shopware team. This can help businesses to get the help they need when they need it, and ensure that their online stores are always up-to-date and running smoothly.

What can be migrated from Magento?

Currently, you can migrate the following data:

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Shop features, Category structure, Reviews

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Manufacturer, Customer data, Address data

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Customer numbers, Orders, Products, Product numbers

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Product master data, One-dimensional variants, Multidimensional variants

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Properties, Article pictures, Stock

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The Manual mapping is required for the following data during migration:

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Order status, Payment methods, Tax rates

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Magento 2 does not store some additional data, such as country, currency, and language assignments that are assigned in the sales channels, in the database.

The distinctions between Magento and Shopware

The following product types are migrated:

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Simple product

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Configurable product

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Configurable products in Magento are migrated to the “product container

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The Simple-Products attached to the configurable product are migrated as variants

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Downloadable product


Manufacturer” and “cost do not migrate to Shopware.If the “manufacturer” attribute is populated, it will use that information as there is no distinct “manufacturer” entity in the Magento.

Store-to-Sales channel Migration

Sales channels are replaced by migrated stores and are associated with languages through shop views. In the absence of a shop view, the default language from Magento is used.

Media migration

It is feasible to retrieve the product or category media from the Magento database and migrate it without any issues. Nonetheless, the migration of CMS data is currently not viable as it is not enlisted in the database.


Shopware 6 receives a consolidated cross-selling group comprising of Magento’s cross-selling, up-selling, and related products.


Orders will be migrated depending on the delivery status:
If a delivery is present in Magento, it will be migrated with the status “Delivered” (or the chosen option in the pre-mapping).
If there is no delivery associated with the order in Magento, a new order will be created with the status “Open” (or the chosen option in the pre-mapping).

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