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Microservices Testing Covering

Unit Tests, Component Tests, End-to-End Test, Integration Tests, Contracts Tests

Microservices Testing

Microservices are techniques used by software engineers which are a variant of the service oriented architecture that structures an application. Decomposing an application into different smaller services improves modularity and makes the application easier to understand, develop, test, and become more resilient to architecture erosion. It is similar to enabling small autonomous teams to develop, deploy and scale their respective services independently.

In here single applications are developed to work together as a suite of small services while everyone runs individually and communicates with HTTP resource API. These services can be written in different programming languages.

How to test Microservices

Unit Tests: Unit tests exercise the small pieces of software whether they produce the desired output given a set of known inputs.

Component Tests: Typically, an application would be composed of a number of Microservices; so in order to test in isolation we need to mock the other Microservices.

End-To-End Tests: To make sure everything ties together. End-to-end tests verify that a system meets external requirements and achieves its goals, testing the entire system.

Integration Tests: An integration test verifies the communication paths and interactions between components to detect interface defects.

Contract Tests: Contract tests verify interactions at the boundary of an external service asserting that it meets the contract expected by a consuming service.

General Attention Microservices

As Microservices adoption becomes more entrenched, the problem of integrating all these services and getting value out of them becomes more important. This is why implementing an API-led integration strategy becomes important to making Microservices effective.

APIs connects Microservices and traditional systems. It makes it easier to build and manage Microservices. With an API strategy, companies can expose the functionality of Microservices as products, which can lead to both internal and external business value.

Being standardized and cost effective, it allows organizations to quickly plug and unplug Microservices as business needs require. APIs grant the benefits of standardized mechanisms for traffic management and monitoring, logging, auditing, and security in a standardized way throughout the enterprise while retaining the agility required by the business.

How BrandCrock GmbH, Munich may help?

To facilitate the co-existence of Microservices and APIs, it becomes necessary to deploy a single, unified platform that can integrate, manage, and provide visibility into any Microservice throughout the business, wherever it might be deployed, enabling reuse and discovery.

We at BrandCrock GmbH, Munich can help here. We have a single, unified connectivity platform that enables API-led connectivity. It activates the discovery and reuse of IT assets, providing line of business

We are using APIs and Microservices as part of a push to streamline business processes and create more agile and responsive enterprises.

Contact or call us for further assistance.

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